Tuesday 24 December 2013

Merry Christmas / Wesolych Swiat

Znacie elfa polkowego? Dosc glosno o takim w internecie :)
Pare tygodni temu zostalam poproszona o wykonanie wlasnie takigo elfa co by troche radosci przyniosl przed Swietami i pilnowal czy dzieci sa grzeczne czy nie. Teraz jest juz w swoim domku ale chwilke siedzial na mojej polce:

Do you know the Shelf Elf? He's quite popular on the internet these days :)
A couple of days ago I was asked to make one to bring some cheer to the household before Christmas and check if the kids have been naughty or nice. He's now in his new home but have been sitting on my shelf for a little bit too: 

Do sporzadzenia Elfa pomogl me ten wzor udostepniony przez Jill Watt z Dapper Toad. Moj Elf nieco rozni sie od tego ze wzoru - dopasowalam wzor do swoich potrzeb, materialow i upodoban:) co o nim sadzicie? 
Mam nadzieje ze sie juz zadomowil w swoim nowym domku i jednak troche psoci ;)

This pattern by Jill Watt from Dapper Toad was very helpful in the making process. I have adjusted the original pattern a bit to suit my needs, materials and likes so he looks a bit different than the one from Jill's pattern. What do you think of him?
I hope he's happy in his new home and is actually a bit naughty there;)

~ * ~

Tym elfowym akcentem chcialabym zyczyc wszystkim Wesolych Swiat, wielu niespodzianek pod choinka (nawet jesli troche narozrabialiscie w ciagu roku;)) oraz Wspanialego Nowego Roku!!!! Oby byl mocno craftowy :D

With this elvish post I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, plenty of surprises under the tree (even if you've been a bit naughty this year;)) and a Happy New Year!!!! May it be full of creative ideas :D

Sunday 10 November 2013


Co powiecie na male co nieco? :D
How about a small giveaway?:D

Do przygarniecia sa te oto dwa malutkie swieczniki w szydelkowych ubrankach. 
You can win these two crochet coated tea light candle holders.

Aby wziac udzial zapraszam serdecznie na moja stronke fejsbukowa CannellaCrafts gdzie wystarczy:
In order to take part all you need to do is to go to my Facebook page CannellaCrafts and:
  • Polubic i udostepnic zdjecie na swoim profilu/Like and Share the photo on your profile
  • Zostawic komentarz pod zdjeciem/Comment on the photo
  • Polubic moja strone (jesli podoba Wam sie to co robie)/Like my page (if you like my makes)

Jesli nie ma Was na FB, mozecie wziac udzial udostepniajac zdjecie/informacje o Candy na swoich blogach oraz zostawiajac komentarz pod tym postem:) Bedzie mi milo jesli tez dolaczycie do obserwatorow na blogu.
If you don't have a Fb profile, you can take part by leaving a comment under this post and by sharing the Giveaway info/photo on your blogs (if you have such). I will be greatful if you'd become a follower as well.

Powodzenia!/Good Luck!


Sunday 27 October 2013

Rainbow Baby Blankets / Teczowe Kocyki

O ja, nie bylo mnie tu cale piec miesiecy...wstyd i hanba jak nic...a ile kurzu...

Jedno jest pewne, nie proznowalam...ponizej to com ostatnio popelnila :) obydwa kocyki beda wkrotce dostepne w moim sklepiku Etsy

Hello and welcome after my long absence!!! I can't believe it but it's been five months since my last post...shame on me...

One is certain, I kept my hands busy...below you can see what I've been working on recently :) both blankets will soon be available in my Etsy shop

Thursday 30 May 2013

Misie Antosia / Teddies for Antos

Moj drugorodny w koncu sie doczekal wlasnego haftowanego obrazka! taka ze mnie matka ze dziecko ma juz 4.5 roku a ja dopiero teraz go skonczylam...(nie bede nawet mowic kiedy zaczelam bo wstyd i hanba!)...najwyzsza pora bo jeszcze troche i kolorowe misie zamienia sie w Dark Vader'y (tak drugorodny mowi na Darth'a Vadera ;D)

My second-born has finally received the picture that I have been cross stitching for him. He's 4.5 now and it's only now that I have competed it... (I won't tell you when exactly I started making it...shame on me for taking so much time to do it!) what kind of mother am I??? LOL...anyway, if I had waited longer, pretty teddies wouldn't make such impression on him and he'd rather have me embroider Dark Vader (this is what he calls Darth Vader ;D)

zignorujcie prosze cienie odbite na szybce na zdjeciu
please ignore the reflections showing on the glass on the photo

kto tu zaglada czasem, moze pamieta ze wczesniej zrobilam podobny obrazek dla pierworodnego.
those of you who have been popping by here from time to time might remember that I have made a similar picture for my first-born before.

korzystajac z okazji zglaszam moje misie na krzyzykowe wyzwanie w Piaskownicy
I am also taking this opportunity to submit my teddies for cross stitch challenge in Piaskownica


Thursday 9 May 2013

Weekender Bag

Torba weekendowa (i nie tylko) to moje ostatnio ukonczone dzielo. 
Zaczelam ja robic chyba jakos na poczatku roku ale z czasem zaczela sie przeplatac z innymi robotkami mniejszymi i wiekszymi. jakby nie bylo w koncu jest i o wlasciwym czasie bo jest prezentem urodzinowym dla pewnej dzisiejszej jubilatki :)

Weekender bag (although I think it may have a variety of uses) is my recent make.
I have been making it since I think the beginning of this year but in the meantime I was onto other smaller and bigger projects and so it took me a while to finish it. Anyway the bag is ready just in time as it is a gift for a friend whose B-day is today :)


Sunday 24 March 2013

Mini Dreamcatchers

Lubie gdy od dawna nie uzywane rzeczy przydaja sie do stworzenia nowych...tym razem byly to cienkie metalowe branzoletki zaczynajace juz rdzewiec:/ (tak wlasnie korzystam z bizuterii o_O) oraz koraliki i cekiny, ktore dawno, dawno temu odprulam od starej torebki z mysla ze kiedys ich uzyje...no i wpadlam na pomysl, ze zrobie z nich mini dreamcatcher'y:) marzy mi sie duzy taki z srodkiem zrobionym na szydelku, ale na taki jeszcze nie nadejszla chwila ;)

I love to make use of things that haven't served its purpose for a while and create new ones...this time I used thin metal bracelets that have started getting a bit rusty:/ (yes, that's how often I wear jewelry o_O) and some beads and sequins that I have taken off an old bag ages ago...and upcycled them into 3 mini dream-catchers:)I dream of making a big one with a crochet doily in the middle, but the time for this one hasn't come just yet ;)

Branzoletki obdziergalam na szydelku a do zrobienia srodka posluzylam sie tutorialem Maryszy :) Gotowe juz dreamcatchery zawiesilam na obdzierganym patyku (i tu wielkie podziekowania dla mojego malzona, ktory wyszedl na zimno do ogrodka specjalnie po patyk dla mnie <3). A patyk jak widac wisi na oknie :)

I have crocheted over the bracelets and used Marysza's tutorial to make the inside bits:). I have then hanged it on crochet yarn-bombed stick! ( I must take this opportunity and thank my hubby for going out to the garden in this cold just to pick up a stick for me <3). And as you can see, the stick is hanging on the window :)

Przy okazji zglaszam je na rekoczynowo-koralikowe wyzwanie w Art-Piaskownicy.
I am submitting them for the recent Art-Piaskownica's crafty-beady challenge.

Milego wieczoru x
Have a lovely evening x

Thursday 21 March 2013

Doily Coasters / Dziergane Podkladki

W koncu sie zebralam {czytaj: odwazylam!} i otworzylam sklepik na Etsy. aby go trochu zapelnic, na dobry poczatek (miejmy nadzieje;)) udziergalam trzy zestawy takich oto podkladeczek.
I have finally made a step forward {that is: found courage!} and opened my very own shop on Etsy. Those cute doily coasters are what is now available for sale there.

Jesli tez sprzedajecie swoje prace na Etsy lub na podobnych portalach, podzielcie sie prosze swoimi doswiadczeniami. Chetnie poczytam co sadzicie, bo ja poki co drepcze tam bardzo ostroznie;)
If you too sell your makes on Etsy or on similar portals, share your experience please. I'd love to hear your thoughts as I am still finding my ways there :)

Milego wieczorku xx
Have a lovely evening everyone xx

Thursday 14 March 2013

Bathroom Rug / Dywanik Lazienkowy

Wszystko zaczelo sie od Pinterest i wyszukanych tam perelek craftowych. Juz jakis czas temu postanowilam zrobic sobie dywanik do kuchni bo na stare lata zimno mi w stopy na golej podlodze hehe. Niedawno bylam w odwiedzinach w domu rodzinnym :) i przywiozlam sobie tone nieuzywanej juz poscieli w celu zrobienia sobie mojego dywanika. Bedac tam na probe zrobilam tez dywanik do lazienki mojego taty. zaraz Wam wszystko pokaze.

It all started with Pinterest and all craft treasures found there. Some time ago I've decided to make a rug for my kitchen as I'm old now and I'm cold in my feet on a bare floor hehehe. Not long ago I have visited my dad and brought myself tones of not anymore used bed linen in order to make that rug. While at my dad's I also made him one small bathroom rug...just for practice. you will see below.

Podarlam koldre na paski i zaczelo sie dzierganie. jak dywan zaczynal miec rece i nogi stwierdzilam ze kolorystycznie jednak bedzie bardziej pasowal do lazienki niz do kuchni no i juz tak zostalo...w nogi zimno dalej!

I have torn the duvet into long strips and crocheting began. Once it started shaping I realized that it would fit my bathroom better than my kitchen and so as a result I'm still cold in my feet in my kitchen!

Pierwsza wersja wyszla tak:
Here's my first attempt:

ale nie bylam zadowolona. wygladal by SUPER jako kwadrat, ale prostokat nie zrobil na mnie wrazenia i go sprulam...

I wasn't happy with that. granny square would make a GORGEOUS rug but only if it was left as a square (in my opinion). I didn't like it as an oblong so I've undone it...

...zeby potem zrobic taki:
...to make this:

i teraz jestem ZACHWYCONA :D
and now I'm VERY HAPPY with the result :D 

musze dodac ze zlamalam dwa szydelka robiac te dywaniki! ;)
I must add that I have broken two hooks while making those! ;)

Zglaszam go tez na wyzwanie recyclingowe w Piaskownicy :) ledwo zdazylam bo dzis jest ostatni dzien zgloszen...ufff

I am submitting it for Piaskownica's recycling challenge :) the deadline is today...I was worried I won't make it on time ...phew

ah i jeszcze dywanik mojego taty:
oh and here's my dad's rug:

milego dzionka wszystim:)
have lovely day everyone :)

Thursday 10 January 2013

Meet Om Nom / Poznajcie Om Noma

Znacie Om Noma z gierki 'Cut the rope'? to jedna z ulubionych gier moich chlopcow. jakis czas temu pierworodny sie na nowo mocno wciagna w owa gre i caly czas mowil ze chcialby miec takiego stworka. krotko po tym ten sam pierworodny (lat 6.5) narysowal taki oto rysunek:

Do you know Om Nom from 'Cut the rope' game? it's my boys' one of the favourite games. Some time ago my first born (6.5yoa) started playing it again and felt like it would be great to have such creature at home. Soon after he drew this picture:

powalil mnie nim calkiem :)
A potem dodal ze moze bym mu takiego Om Noma zrobila?
No i zrobilam!

I was amazed:)
Then he asked if I could make such Om Nom for him...
And I have!

przybieral rozne rozmiary zanim osiagnal swoja ostateczna forme hehe ale w koncu jest i chlopcy sa zachwyceni :)
He took all sorts of sizes and shapes before he became this hehe but boys love him :)

A co wy powiecie na Om Noma?
What do you think of my Om Nom?

sciski xxx
hugs xxx